SPCsd Team Logo


This page is dedicated to those out there among you that have worked hard to bring the software you whant to life. Please note that names are in alphebtical order and no prefrance is given.

Maxwell Wolfen

A writer. He brought you the first designs for the SPC video game levels.

Name: Maxwell Wolfen
E-mail: Maxwolf@wolf-web.com
ICQ #: 5214593


A programmer and also the teams adminstrator. Without whom the team would not have been created or developed to where it is today.

Name: MWDD
E-mail: SPCsd_MWDD@hotmail.com

Rebo Valence

A writer. He brought you the orignal concept of the SPC card game and also surgested editing the windows standard solitaire.

Name: Rebo Valence
E-mail: Rebo1234@aol.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/8665/


A comination of programmer, designer and graphic artist. He brought you things like the teams logo at the top of this page and came up with the SPC poker game.

Name: Survechay
E-mail: speedy@compusmart.ab.ca
URL: http://www.mygale.org/10/survj
ICQ #: 1511969

Princess Vi

The pation of the team and a valuable surporter. She's brought you the Vi Screen Saver.

Name: Princess Vi
E-mail: PrncssVi@aol.com

Isaac Rounds

A programmer. Along with his company, Aizakishi^_^Inc, he brought us a Vi and a Fred Screen Saver.

Name: Isaac Rounds
E-mail: irounds@hotmail.com
URL: Aizakishi^_^Inc.

Page created by: MWDD, Last Update: 06/03/1998, e-mail: SPCsd_MWDD@hotmail.com

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