Card Design Appeal
To All Artists:
The SPC Fan Software Development Team has decided to produce there own version of the classic windows game soliate.
This is an SPC customized version of the one that comes with windows so there are some limitations. What wee need you do to is create some graphics for the cards.
What we need:
Obviously we need card fronts for the ace to king of each suite. These need to be 71 pixels wide and 96 pixels high and 16 colour format BMP's. This is not much space so be warned don't make the cards too detailed. They also need to show the type of card i.e. Queen of harts. And please keep the red / black theme on the suite. The size, file type and colour format are out of my control so no complaits please...It's a limitation of windows 3.1 which solitare was writen for.
In addtion to these will also need 12 card backs. They are the same size and format as the card frounts. BUT, we can also annimate 4 backs, but these are very limiting due to the fact the sizes are based around the original card annimations - i'll work on these though If anyones intrested on doing an animated card.
Finally, we also have control over the two styles of deck turn over and the place holders where the aces go. The circle and cross you get when you have finished going through the deck. Again these are the same size and format as the cards, but the ace holder is only two colour i.e. black or colourless (i.e. background colour - green, but draw as white!).
WARNING: pixels (0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (69,0), (70,0), (70,1), (0,94), (0,95), (1,95), (69, 95), (70,95) and (70, 94) are replaced by the background to back the cards look round.
Please note: There are two episodes in SPC where cards are used, The Pizza Cats Are Only Human P2 and Unidentified Flying Odd Balls, and I know that in the former there are already pictures of the royal family in polys royal flush...could someone work on these, but I going to be prettty relaxed on this, as not every pack of cards has the same design
If you want any of the cards as examples, or decide to take on a card please e-mail me, so we don't have everyone doing the same card.
SPC Fan Software Development Team
Page created by: MWDD, Last Update: 20/02/1998, e-mail: